Dutch linguistics Department for Dutch Linguistics at FU Berlin


Prof. Dr. Matthias Hüning [ website ] - [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 54807 ]
Dr. Martin Konvička [ Website ] - [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 64428 ]
Marlena Jakobs [ website ] - [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 67489 ]
Kiran van Bentum [ website ] - [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 67628 ]
Dr. Truus De Wilde (lecturer) [ website ] - [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 60415 ]
Student assistants
Maximilian Mathot [ e-mail ]
Elena Sottil, Yihong Hu [ e-mail ] - [ phone: +49-30-838 54423 ]

Guest researcher

  • In 2023, from April until June, dr. Péter Maitz has been our guest (as a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung).
  • In 2011, prof. dr. Geert Booij has been our guest (as an Alexander von Humboldt-fellow) from March until July (cf article in campus.leben). He has returned to Freie Universität for several weeks in the spring of 2012.

Former staff

  • Dr. Natalie Verelst has been working from 10/2019 until 02/2024 as scientific assistant at our departement. Since February 2024 she works as assistant (PostDoc) at TU Dortmund.
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Krämer 2014-2022 (teaching assistant and research fellow, postoc). In October 2022 he became full professor for French Linguistics at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium.
  • Kristin Stöcker worked from 10/2018 until 10/2019 as assistant at our departement.
  • Johanna Ridderbeekx has been working as a Dutch language assistant at our department for 38 years. She was one of the people behing NEON. She retired in May 2018.
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Schlücker, 2005-2015 (teaching assistant and research fellow). In October 2015 she became full professor for German Linguistics at the University of Bonn; since October 2017 she works as full professor for German Linguistics at Leipzig University [website at Leipzig University, e-mail: barbara.schluecker@uni-leipzig.de].
  • Dr. Saskia Schuster, 2008-2012 assistant in the DFG-project 'Wörter & Phrasen', until 2015 teaching assistant
  • Dr. Janneke Diepeveen, 2006-2014 (teaching assistant and research fellow, since 2011 research fellow in the Dutch++ project); e-mail janneke.berlin@gmail.com
  • Esther Jahns, 2012 (organisation of the Sociolinguistics Symposium)
  • Dr. Olivier Moliner, 2010-2011 (within the DYLAN project), then Universität Duisburg-Essen; e-mail olivier.moliner@uni-due.de
  • Folgert Karsdorp, 2009-2010, now Meertens Instituut (Amsterdam/Netherlands); e-mail Folgert.Karsdorp@meertens.knaw.nl
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Vogl, 2001-2010; from 2010 until 2016 assistent at the University of Vienna; since December 2016 she works as 'assistent professor' at the Department of Linguistics (Dutch Linguistics) at Ghent University, Belgium; e-mail ulrike.vogl@ugent.be

Former student assistants:
Joanna Rother (Majkowska), Denis Kuznetsov, Babette Ruppel, Simon Becker, Annika Olt, Malte Battefeld, Linda John, Laurentia Schreiber, Nicole Faßbender, Natalie Verelst (tutor), Kristin Stöcker, Lea Schneider, Elvis Jarrs, Sarah Schön.

Our offices are located in Berlin-Dahlem, in the so-called 'Rostlaube' (= Habelschwerdter Allee 45).
The room numbers are: JK 30/2-41 to 43.