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Sociolinguistics Symposium 19: Language and the City

Sociolinguistics Symposium 19

Freie Universität Berlin | August 21-24, 2012

Programme: accepted abstracts

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Abstract ID: 1228

Part of Session 163: Variation and change in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Other abstracts in this session)

Verb agreement in Rio de Janeiro: Variation and change

Authors: Vieira, Silvia Rodrigues
Submitted by: Vieira, Silvia Rodrigues (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Verb agreement has been considered one of the most important topics which allow us to delineate varieties of Portuguese. Several researches have demonstrated that Brazilian Portuguese presents strong linguistic contrasts motivated by social restrictions which are related not only to educational levels and social classes, but also to the opposition concerning rural versus urban dialects (cf. Lucchesi et al., 2009; Naro, Scherre, 2007). The present study aims at analysing the presence or absence of 3rd person morphological marks of verbs, by describing recent corpus built between 2007 and 2011 with informants resident in two urban cities from Rio de Janeiro – Nova Iguaçu and Copacabana – with different levels of education (fundamental, secondary or universitarian grade). Taking into consideration the Theory of variation and change, postulated by Weinreich, Herzog & Labov, 1968, linguistic and social factors have been tested according to statistic treatment of data provided by Goldvarb-X. Results acquired in the present study will be compared with other results (Naro, Lemle, 1977; Graciosa, 1991; Vieira, 1995; Naro, Scherre, 2003) concerning contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous data, from urban and rural varieties. By comparing these studies, it will be possible: (i) to discuss the impact of the intense urbanization of Rio de Janeiro in linguistic phenomena such as verb agreement; (ii) to establish the productivity of 3rd person marks in the past 40 years; (iii) to evaluate the influence of social factors like gender and educational level; and, finally, (iv) to determine the structural factors which constrain the phenomenum, independent of social characteristics of linguistic samples. Besides that, we hope the investigation provides a panoramic view of the very heterogeneous scenario which represents Rio de Janeiro.


Graciosa, D. (1991). Concordância verbal na fala culta carioca. Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.

Lucchesi, D., Baxter, A., Ribeiro, I., org. (2009). O português afro-brasileiro. Salvador, EDUFBA.

Naro, A., Scherre, M. M. P. (2003). Estabilidade e mudança lingüística em tempo real: a concordância de número. In: Paiva, M. da C., Duarte, M. E. L. (org.). Mudança linguística em tempo real. Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa. p. 47-62.

Naro, A.; Scherre, M. M. P. (2007). Origens do Português brasileiro. São Paulo, Parábola Editorial.

Naro, A., Lemle, M. (1977). Syntactic diffusion.  Ciência e cultura 29(3), p. 259-268.

Vieira, S. R. (1995). Concordância verbal: variação em dialetos populares do Norte fluminense. Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.

Weinreich, U., Labov, W., Herzog, M. (1968)Empirical foundations for theory of linguistic change, em W. Lehmann; Y. Malkiel (eds.) Directions for historical linguistics. Austin, University of Texas Press, p. 97-195.

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