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Sociolinguistics Symposium 19: Language and the City

Sociolinguistics Symposium 19

Freie Universität Berlin | August 21-24, 2012

Programme: accepted abstracts

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Abstract ID: 1224

Part of General Paper Session (Other abstracts in this session)

Longitudinal changes in language competence, attitude, and use in the transition from primary to secondary education in a Catalan sociolinguistic environment

Authors: Comajoan, Llorenç (1); Tenorio, Xavier (2)
Submitted by: Comajoan, Llorenç (Universitat de Vic, Spain)

Since the last decade of the 20th century, Catalonia has experienced one of the most important demographic changes in Europe, namely its population increased with the arrival of about 1 million immigrants (Idescat, 2009), which had a considerable impact both in Catalan society and schools. The changes in schools have been felt at different levels (I. Vila et al., 2007; X. Vila et al., 2007). First, whereas the linguistic profiles of students in the 80s-90s were homogeneous (their L1 was Spanish or Catalan), nowadays the two co-official languages share their space with a variety of languages depending on the area (e.g., Tamazight and Chinese). Second, language attitudes toward Catalan have been affected in a negative way. Third, language competence in Catalan in school settings has decreased (X. Vila & Galindo, 2009).

This paper examines these changes by studying longitudinally the linguistic competence, language attitudes, and language use of students in three moments of time during their schooling: their last year of primary education (age 12, n=192), their first year of secondary education (age 13, n=198), and their last year of secondary education (age 16, n=191). The study is part of a larger project that examines how different sociolinguistic variables interact in time in different Catalan-speaking areas (Comajoan et al., in press). Specifically, the paper studies the school population of Manlleu, a mid-size city in Central Catalonia. The interest of this city lies in the fact that it has a large population of students of Moroccan origin and that it is located in a sociolinguistic setting where Catalan has high vitality.

Data were elicited via a sociolinguistic questionnaire that included items regarding language competence, attitude, use (within the family, inside and outside school) and biographical data. A preliminary analysis of results indicates that there is a change in the competence, attitudes, and use in time and that the change is related to sociolinguistic variables, such as the participant’s L1 and county of origin. The results are discussed in light of current trends in sociolinguistic patterns in the transition from primary school to secondary school.


Comajoan, L., et al. (in press). Els usos lingüístics en família i amb amics de l’alumnat autòcton i al·lòcton de sisè de primària a Catalunya, Mallorca i la Franja. In X. Vila (ed.) 18 Col.loqui de lingüística a la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Publicacions de la UB.

Idescat. (2009). Immigration, here and now. Catalonia 2008. Statistical data. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

Vila, I., et al. (2007). Els programes de canvi de llengua de la llar a l’escola: aspectes metodològics i organitzatius. In Consell assessor de la llengua a l’escola: Conclusions (pp. 57-88). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

Vila, X., et al. (2007). La potenciació de la llengua entre infants i joves: del coneixement a l’ús. . In Consell assessor de la llengua a l’escola: Conclusions (pp. 103-143). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

Vila, X., & Galindo, M. (2009). El sistema de conjunció en català en l’educació primària a Catalunya: impacte sobre els usos. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, 20, 21-69.

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